W H O  W E  A R E...

ATELIER VRAI was founded by Nico Döring in 2016 (known as ATELIER DER BRAUKÜNSTE)  We started at Castle Romrod with a nano brewing system, due high demand for our beers we switched to gypsy brewing. Since 2017 we are brewing in Bamberg at Brauhaus Binkert, a family owned brewery with a modern 15 HL System. Since 2021 we also brewing at Glaab´s Bräu in Seligenstadt. Untypically for Gypsies Brewers we have our own modern canning line together with our friends from Blech.Brut Brewing. 
We are focused on typical beergeek styles like big hazy ipas and have recently launched a barrel aged program with over 100 differents barrels. With our HANDSTAND Sours, we once again illustrate our love for art, unorthodox ideas and love for super fruity beers. 
For us, craft beer is a cultural movement that is all about enjoyment, high-quality and special raw materials, creativity, diversity, fair dealing, sustainability, exceptional design and people with passion. We love art, often paired with biting sarcasm or irony. We have a soft spot for special words or new word creations and interesting packaging. We let all this flow into the design of our cans. We always release our beers in series that have a certain motto and consist of 5 different beers. We love to search special photos or playing with special Coatings, scent or scratch paints on our labels.

In 2022 we have moved our place of business from Romrod Castle to Heidelbach, where we have acquired an old farm estate together with friends. Here we have even more room for ideas, creativity and exciting future projects. 

V R AI ?

The name VRAI stems from the German word for “free”, a term that resonates deeply with me. It has its roots in the Middle High German “vri”, which I, as a lover of language, modified with an “A”. This addition ties it to the French meanings of “true”, “authentic”, or “genuine”.

For us, freedom and authenticity are essential principles, reflected in all that we do – and they offer endless opportunities for creative wordplay!

W H E R E  W E  A R E...


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N I C O  D Ö R I N G

Benedikt Steger | Gründer und Brauer von Blech.Brut

B E N E D I K T  S T E G E R


C O D E  O F  C O N D U C T

For us, craft beer is not just beer that tastes different. We see craft beer as a cultural movement that is all about enjoyment, high-quality and special raw materials, creativity, diversity, extraordinary design and people with a lot of passion. As a brewery, we are an important part of this movement and it is very important to us that we all treat each other fairly and respectfully. Therefore, we do not tolerate harassment or discrimination based on race, gender, gender identity, national origin, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, appearance, physical size, sexual orientation, religion or any other protected class. This applies to our employees as well as our guests, our partners inside and outside the industry, and those who serve and consume our beers at festivals and events in which we participate. 


For clarification, the following examples are considered unacceptable behaviors: 


  • Sexual misconduct or harassment, be it verbal or physical
  • Stalking, hassling, or otherwise bullying others
  • slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating or hostile acts; denigrating jokes
  • intentional misgendering; sharing of any of the preceding on social media in a purposefully humiliating manner


We take all violations of our Code of Conduct seriously, and we do not tolerate harassment of employees, customers or vendors. Employees, vendors or customers found to be in violation of the Code will be held accountable, and may be subject to consequences, including but not limited to the following:

  • Employees found to be in violation of the Code may receive a written warning, suspension, termination, or other consequences 


  • Vendors found to be in violation of the Code may lead to review or termination of our relationship 


  • Customers found to be in violation of the Code may be asked to leave company property and/or company-sponsored events, as we retain the right to refuse service. Furthermore, violators may be permanently banned from company property and/or events


We encourage all employees, customers, partners and suppliers to contact us, Nico Döring or Benedikt Steger, directly (in person, digitally or virtually) should anyone violate our Code of Conduct. Retaliation of any kind against a person who reports concerns in good faith is against our principles and will not be tolerated. 


We are doing our best for a better and fairer craft beer movement, if there is any way we can improve in doing so, please feel free to let us know and email us at [email protected] or [email protected]





Nico Döring                                      Benedikt Steger

(Founder of Atelier Vrai)                 (Founder of Blech.Brut)